Welcome to the Ubabalo Whole Life Coaching resource library!

Ubabalo (meaning 'grace' in Xhosa) began in South Africa to address the challenge of fatherlessness in Africa. We have discovered that this challenge extends beyond Africa and so we need trendsetters who will reverse the destruction of fatherlessness. The world needs a new breed of leaders/coaches who will take future generations away from many social concerns.

The Ubabalo coach uses sport as a microcosm of life to instill sound life values during regular coaching sessions on the sports field. It enables the coach to be an effective role model/father-figure/mentor in the player's life. The coach is thus able to make effective use of the teachable moments during the sport training session to impact the players' lives in all areas of life, thus becoming a 'whole life coach'.

Sport coaches are trained in Whole Life Coaching principles and supplied the Ubabalo curriculum. Each sport skill is linked with a corresponding Biblical value which is taught as part of the bi-weekly / tri-weekly sports training. The values operate as open doors to Bible-based discipleship.

Our objective is to transform youth through whole life coaching.

As Ubabalo has touched a felt need globally, the long-term plan is to continue providing training, development of life skills and leadership lessons for different sporting codes and in different languages. So keep visiting this library for new resources.

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